Type Face .- -, | 6 6 | '._=_,' ,___.-.__, \_.)(._/ \__/ \__/ /___\ _/ |_ ldb I have new glasses, this is what I look like now. _ ( | _|_ __.-'' ''-.__ (_______________) ldb After you clean up from your abortion you can twist it back and hang his coat up. Anti-abortion laws kill women, one way or another. .--------------- Happy International Women's Day 2019 ------------------. | * _ | | * | .'( /'. * | | /_\ : C_ (; _ | | _/(_)\_ * '. _V.' (_) | | _\ + /_ | | .___ /) _ (\ ___. * | | ) \\www(_)www// ( | | / (\_______/) \ | | / / \ \ * * | | : / _ \ : | | / /wwwww(_)wwwww\ \ .--_--. | | : ( ) : \_/ .-. \_/ | (_) | | | : /)))))))|(((((((\ : ((")) ((")) (("))|__+__| | | \ / \ / '--/ \--o--/ \--o--/ \_c | | \ /( _ )\ / [@@] /___\ /___\ /___\| | | \/ \wwwwwww(_)wwwwwww/ \/ /|__|\ _| \_ _/ |_ _| \_| | | \/ \_______________/ \/ d b | | | '------------------------ Wherever you are -------------------------ldb-' .--------------- Happy International Women's Day 2019 ------------------. | * _ | | * | .'( /'. * | | /_\ : C_ (; _ | | _/(_)\_ * '. _V.' (_) | | _\ + /_ | | .___ /) _ (\ ___. * | | ) \\www(_)www// ( | | / (\_______/) \ | | / / \ \ * * | | : / _ \ : | | / /wwwww(_)wwwww\ \ .--_--. | | : ( ) : \_/ .-. \_/ | (_) | | | : /)))))))|(((((((\ : ((")) ((")) (("))|__+__| | | \ / \ / '--/ \--o--/ \--o--/ \_c | \ /( _ )\ / [@@] /___\ /___\ /___\| . .__ | \/ \wwwwwww(_)wwwwwww/ \/ /|__|\ _| \_ _/ |_ _| \_| .' _| '. | \/ \_______________/ \/ d b : ( ) : | '// - x ' '-ldb--------------------- Wherever you are ---------------------- ' ' . - __ International .' _| '. Women's Day : ( ) : 2019 . /- x . ' / _ . ' ldb . .__ .' _| '. : ( ) : '// - x ' ' ' ldb ._. ((_)) '-'x ldb .-----------------------------------------------------------------------. | * _ | | * | .'( /'. | | /_\ : C_ (; _ | | _/(_)\_ * '. _V.' (_) | | _\ /_ | | /) _ (\ * | | \www(_)www/ | | \_______/ | | /_)(_)(_)(\ * * | | * /_)(_)(_)(_)\ | | /_)(_)(_)(_)(_\ .--_--. | | _\wwwwwwwwwwwww/_ \_/ .-. \_/ | (_) | | | . /_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)\ . ((")) ((")) (("))|__+__| | | / \/_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_\/ \ [@@] c--/ \--o--/ \--o--/ \_c | | | /_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(\ | /|__|\ /___\ /___\ /___\| | | | |\ /| | d b _| \_ _/ |_ _| \_| | | :W: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :W: | | | '----------------Happy International Women's Day 2019---------------ldb-' .-, ((")) #_/ \/ #MakeItHappy /___\ _/ |_ ldb ________ ________ __ | ,----, | __ __ | ,----, | __ /((\| |_qq_| |/))\ /((\| |_99_| |/))\ | ______| | ______| | |__\|\| | |__\|\| |________| |________| __< >__ __< >__ ldb The Everythingists .-, _ _ (("))( V ) _// \\_\|/ /___\ ' _/ |_ ldb Spinster? I prefer hopeless romantic. .-, ((")) /[o]= /___\ _/ |_ ldb I'm the woman who calls the shots. _/V\_ (d_b) , .__/Y\_/ |I| / | _| |_ ldb ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ //_+\ %"."% J'-'L -_- |'.'| /[\]\ /[U]\ -[:]- /[Y]\ /[I]\ _/ |_ _| |_ _\ /_ _| |_ _| \_ ldb o8o ,\---, ,_|______|_, (((.-, .-,))) )))(_o_)__(_o_)((( ((((.--. (__) .--.)))) )))))'. '.__.' .'((((( (((((( \ '.__.' / )))))) '.____.' ldb o8o ,---/, ,_|______|_, (((.-, .-,))) )))(_o_)__(_o_)((( ((((.--. (__) .--.)))) )))))'. '.__.' .'((((( (((((( \ '.__.' / )))))) '.____.' (/\/\/\/\) / (_) \ / (_(o)_) \ ( / (_) \ ) | | 7--------L | | | | | .oo-._/\_.-oo. (_____) (_____) ldb ,,, ... ,,, ,,, ,,, ... ((")) ((")) ((")) ((")) ((")) ((")) .__/ \_,_/*\_,_/ \_,_/ \_,_/@\_,_/ \__. /ldb\ /___\ /***\ /___\ /___\ /===\ L L L L L L L L L L L L We are Woman .-_-. |(")| /~~~/) /___/ /> ( )/ /'--'\ '----' ldb .-. _ |`\ \_\_(")_|__) \ / '(^)-(^)' ldb~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .-, ((")) LD_//_\\_cU /___\ _|\_ ldb Coffee or Tea? _ S") ___ :/\V\|IBM| ___:__'-|___|___ | (____( .--. | | || \)|o*| | | o-''-o(|__| | ldb _ S"S Winner of the /Y\ Most Gorgeous /-\ Stick Figure Award! ASCII Art Stick Figures - Just add character(s). _[_]_ .,, n_ ,-, (") ((")) \ (") , {(")} _/|\ // \\/ \--|--o '-/ \--m : '/___\ : /___\(_) _|\__/ |_ _/ \_ _| |_ ldb /)))\ ()6 6)) (( - () ,-\\.//-. / `:` \ ( : ) |_| : |_\ \'====='/ | | | | | _ | |__(@)| (_) (_) ldb .-----. .='"'"'=. ;'{@*@}'; /())))))\ (/\\\\\\\\) (/~_ ~~_~\) (((@)-(@))) )|(@)-(@)|( |(@)^(@)| ()) L (() (( ) )) ( ) ) )(\'-'/)( ( \ '-' / ) `\ '-' /` ())`-`(() `---` `'.'` ldb The evolution of my self portraits. ,&$%$%$&, |(@)-(@)| My Husband in ASCII Art. C _) D | ;~~~; | \ ### / `'''''` ldb