.-, People ask how will I survive a zombie apocalpse. (("))_ __/_\/ I don't know how to fire a gun, can't run fast, /___\ and don't know survival strategy... _/ |_ I just show them my resting bitch face. - ldb _ .'( /'. : C_ (; '. _V.' | .-. / \ ((")) .|||. ==)-/_\--o /| |\ /___\ / | | \ ............d b....\/\|||/\/............ ldb Space travel... a great way to see the world. .-, .---. ((")) .' '. (%)-/_\-(== _|__.-.__|_ /___\ / .-. .-. \ _____d_b_________\_'-'___'-'_/__ ldb The Adventures of Space Girl and the Self Driving Ship \_/ .-, \_/ ((")) ((")) ((")) (b_/ \-=-/ \-=-/ \_d) |_| /___\ |_| ______ _/ |_ _| |_ _| \_ ______ldb We are your friends.... You close your eyes, you concentrate Together, that's the way To send the message we declare World Contact Day http://www.klaatu.org/ _.-v-._ '-------' .-, \|/ (("))(o) \_/ \_/ /___\ _/ |_ _________________________________ ldb Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft .. -(--)- * '' * .--. .-'''''''-. ( ) .'\_/ \_/ '. '--' * ____/__(")__(")_____\__ /__o__(_)__(_)__(_)__o__\ * \_l_l_l___l_l_l_/ _ * ''''''''''''' (_) ldb \.-./ [@@] __|q p|__ [oo] /|__|\ [===] /|##|\ d b d b d b Micro Robots - ldb _,-}}-._ /\ } /\ _|(O\\_ _/O) ___|_ _|/ (__''__) |#####| _|\/ WVVVVW |#####| \ _\ \MMMM/_ .-----.###| _|\_\ _ '---; \_ |#####|###| /\ \ _\/ \_ / \ |#####|###| / ( _\/ \ \ |'VVV P |#####|###| ( '-,._\_.( 'VVV / (_/|\_) |#####|###| \ / _) / _) (_/_ _\_)|#####|###| '....--''\__vvv)\__vvv)_____|_| |_|_|#####|###|_____ ldb _,-}}-._ /\ } /\ _|(O\\_ _/O) _|/ (__''__) _|\/ WVVVVW \ _\ \MMMM/_ _|\_\ _ '---; \_ /\ \ _\/ \_ / \ / ( _\/ \ \ |'VVV ( '-,._\_.( 'VVV / \ / _) / _) '....--''\__vvv)\__vvv) ldb Gojira (Godzilla) (_____) (((__/(@) (@)\__))) "" \_MVVVM_/ "" _/ \_ Monster - ldb ____,^.____ ,-'-----------'-. |_POLICE_%&%&_BOX_| | _____ | _____ | || | | ||| | | || ||-|-|-|||-|-|-|| ||_|_|_|||_|_|_|| | _ | _ | | |_ | | | | | _| | |_| _ | | \/|_ /_\|_)(_ | | ||_ | || \ _)| | | | | 1963 | 2013 | || | | | || _|'----' | '----'|_ -'-------------------'- ldb Doctor Who... 50 years of time and space "Going home, the long way around".